Saturday, September 26, 2020

The True Perspective of the Corona Virus Stats.

 There are 331 million inhabitants in the United States. In a normal year (citing 2018 stats), there are 2.8 million deaths. 

This year so far, we have had about 200,000 deaths from corona virus. If we calculate the normal deaths per unit of population, by dividing 331 million people by the actual deaths, 2.8 million, (before Covid). You get 1 out of every 118 people will die in a given year. That number is not high if you intuitively figure that the 331 million people alive today, all will be dead in 80 years.

 Now let's calculate the same factor for the Covid virus and let’s assume that the total deaths for this year will reach 250,000 with a population of 331 million. And you get 1 out of every 1,324 people will die from the virus.

 When we divide the normal death rate group 118 into the Covid death group of 1,324. We get 11 people will die normally for every Covid death. So, it can be concluded that a person is 11 times more likely to die of natural causes than from the Corona virus.

 The overall death rate from natural causes overwhelms the deaths from the Virus 11 to 1. The death rate from the virus  does not warrant the drastic measures taken by governments all over the world. This is a panic that may be justified for people over 70; but this group of people already has one foot on a banana peel.  The shutdown destroys the economy for the young people who must somehow survive without the means to earn a living. Government solutions to control the virus are destroying our economies.  This quarantine in the US, will probably end after the election no matter who wins.

One million people dead out of 8 billion worldwide, from the Corona virus, sounds like a lot of people (if you concentrate on the one million dead). But if we calculate the expected normal death rate for the world with the present population (assuming everyone lives to be 80) expect to see 100 million deaths a year from natural causes.

If I were to die from Corona virus, the press would report, "See, he didn't believe how dangerous the virus was."  The real motive of the press in hyping the virus is to get viewers.  How do you do that? Feed on their fear. Now you understand why only one kid in the kingdom said "The emperor has no clothes."  Reality is a matter of the viewer's  perspective.  Chicken Little was very certain that the sky was falling.

1 comment:

Rodasi said...

When fear is the dominant emotion, the mind stops functioning rationally, and the “fight or flight” mode kicks in. Because this fear has been artificially manipulated for months, many people can’t think rationally, the knee-jerk reaction has taken over. Love and relaxation must take precedence for this particular brand of insanity to loose its hold on humanity.