Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Supreme Court Trump Delima

The Supreme Court is discussing the legal parameters of whether Trump has immunity from prosecution for acts in office. I think that the court has to also consider another issue.

Can a federal office holder be arraigned in a state court for violations of state law? From my point of view, it would appear that all state violations would have to be presented in Federal Court.  This relieves the plaintiff from defending themselves in 50 individual state courts.

What we are discussing is not the fact of innocence, but rather the fact of the ability to finance a defense.

We need a supreme court ruling that allows for the defense on a federal level of all federally elected employees. The states would have no jurisdiction.

This somewhat prevents the states from ruining people with frivolous lawsuits.  Just maybe there is someone listening.  I hope so.


Sackerson said...

Roll on November!

dearieme said...

You live in eventful times, Jim. Trump survived the Dems' attempt to assassinate him. The Dems staged a successful coup against the cretinous President. Then appointed the drunken VP to replace him as candidate.

How is San Marcos coping in this exciting world?