Friday, December 22, 2023

An interesting Solution

Judges at various levels in the United States are making political rulings that show no show no bearing to the laws of the land.  These judges can keep on making rulings and causing a lot of grief.  Not everyone in court can afford to contest these judge’s ruling.

What would happen if a higher court or the Supreme Court ruled against a judge and stated that any other rulings by this judge in the future, would have no merit or judicial enforcement in the court system. This would be a way for the courts to clean their own house. The judge would be out of a job.

It's an interesting solution, could it work?


dearieme said...

"How many divisions has the Pope?" is often attributed to Stalin.

Isn't Andrew Jackson held to have asked something similar about the Supreme Court?

Jim in San Marcos said...

Hi dearieme

Not sure what happens from here. The way things are going, it can't continue for very long.

Happy New Year!!!