Friday, March 05, 2021

Turmoil in Washington DC

We have approximately 5 to 10 thousand National Guard troops in Washington DC, with barbwire on top of the barricades to protect us from an impending invasion of God knows what. If you were to tie one of those fence barricades to a truck and pull away, it would probably pull down about 200 feet of it in a couple of seconds.

The other thing not pointed out, is that 99.9 percent of the National Guard in place have not been issued ammunition.  There is no reason for it.  It only takes one bad apple to screw up things, so no ammunition.

This is a pathetic political play to make the voter feel threatened and to influence possible voters who are undecided.

Play soldier for the civilian spectators, because the people in charge are afraid of the "We the people."  It has to look importantly significant  for the news. Go figure.

Ask your congressman; "If it is such a severe crisis, why don't the soldiers have ammunition?"


Sackerson said...

Jim in San Marcos said...

Hi Sack

Thanks for the link. The odds and ends of history, seldom make it into the history books. The East Germans were a little like today's Democrats.

Jim in San Marcos said...

Hi dearieme

I think we ought to lock the gate and leave Congress in there until the next election. That's about the closest they will ever get to prison.