Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Is gold king?

The price of gold is going up, but ask yourself one question, is it really going up or is the government printing way too much money?

Oil has gone from $17 a barrel to $70 ever wonder why? I remember buying cigarettes in 1963 for 24 cents a pack and gas was 21 cents a gallon.

What are we looking at? Is the price of gold increasing, or is the value of the dollar decreasing?

"Black gold," oil has tripled in value so it stands to reason that gold should also triple.

What we are looking at is an economy under extreme stress.

Cigarettes are $3.35 a pack, what did the Arabs do to cigarettes? I don't think that we can blame them for everything.

1 comment:

bubble_watcher said...

The price of gold is going up, but ask yourself one question, is it really going up or is the government printing way too much money?

We have a situation now where the govt. prints money during the good times and prints like crazy during the bad.

What are we looking at? Is the price of gold increasing, or is the value of the dollar decreasing?

The value of the dollar is decreasing..