If you are broke and own nothing, you can do whatever you want within reason. You can shoplift up to $999 per day, every day. Use the streets as a public toilet. Camp wherever you want. And beat up and threaten any one of your choosing. And if you are an illegal alien, you can drive drunk or beat your wife with a coat hanger and get no jail time. To add injury to insult, since there is no bail, the perpetrator can return, to beat the crap out of the person who turned him/her in to the police. And if you are a witness, you get a free swimming lesson in the bathtub or some hot lead air ventilation.
So, remember, as a tax paying
citizen, you have rights: the right to
pay taxes and the right to obey the laws or be fined by the courts. Be silent
and make no waves.
If you are a dead beat, the laws don’t apply
to you. Do what you want. You have no money and are therefore of no interest to the government. A sad perspective on life, isn’t it?